This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - January 14

      This is the second time I've written this post. The first version was eaten by a piece of shit computer in a piece of shit internet cafe. (I love paying to waste my time. Not at all frustrating.) And today, my Google homepage is trying to tell me it's December 31 -- I'm jetlagged, but I didn't fly that far. Seems like it's time for a sacrifice to appease the gods of the interweb... any volunteers?

      On, Centaur's Precision Marketing is looking for a production editor. Emap's Nursing Times needs a news reporter with two years of experience. Some visa-getting company (I think) needs a senior editor/writer for their website and other external communications.

      HoldtheFrontPage has an advert from Haymarket's Brand Republic, which needs a deputy production editor and a subeditor. Don't forget: that site has tons of regional jobs, too.

      On Craigslist, an online publisher is looking for part-time sports information researchers (8-10/hour). And a London restaurant guide book is looking for a freelance editor.

      The Guardian jobsite has a few. Ocean Media Group needs a feature writer. CMP's Building needs a technical writer and an assistant web editor (to write, upload and subedit). Metal Bulletin needs reporters.

      The Folio Society needs a typesetter/page layout person. Lewisham Council are looking for a magazine designer (£26k). Wigmore Hall needs a part-time publications assistant (£15k pro rata).

      NatMag's Real People needs an assistant editor. John Lewis' internal magazine is looking for an editor (£32k). MotorSport is seeking a managing editor, an art editor and an editorial assistant (offers some writing and subbing).

      And here's a good one: a recruiter is helping some new magazine launch and another restaff. They need journalists, picture editors, designers, subeditors from entry- to senior-level. Experience at a consumer monthly is not essential, but "knowledge of popular and/or high culture, films, TV, or celebrity is vital".

      Newswire AFX is still looking for subeditors. Global Insight are again looking for country editors.
      A B2B magazine publisher called SameDan needs an editorial assistant. Something called Niche Personal Loans needs a reporter. And recruiters Xchange Team ahve a client looking for an ebusiness journalist to write a blog (£20/hour).

      A premiership football club is looking for an inhouse reporter.

      Recruiter Reilly are also looking for a graduate commodities reporter. PFJ are looking for a subeditor for a health weekly (£26k), a deputy features editor (£22-25k) and a news editor. Career Moves needs a production assistant (£19-21k).

      And a ton of web editor positions -- some requiring techie skills, some not -- from the Royal Schools of Music (£21.5-24.5k), Lambeth Council (£29k), Family Mosaic (£25k), Rambert Dance Company (£18k pro rata/part time), the Science and Development Network, and a publisher called TSO (£20k). It amazes me that these places want someone with writing, editing and web management skills, and yet pay so generally poorly. Anyone this qualified should be making craploads, don't you think?

      On the BBC, the Weakest Link needs question writers/researchers. They also need a production team assistant for their "Repeats and Reversioning unit", and an assistant content producer for Slink, their website aimed at teenage girls.

      And the Press Gazette wants your help to save the Freedom of Information Act.


      Anonymous said...

      Dearest Nicole,

      Just to clarify The "something" called 'Niche Personal Loans' is UK's leading trade magazine for secured loans and second charge mortgage news.

      Ok, it's not Heat, but there are worse trade titles out there? Like biscuit monthly or whatever they call it!

      Nicole said...

      No harm meant by the use of "something"! Sorry if that came off sarcastic. That's just me being too lazy to look up if it's a magazine or a website and not wanting to be wrong... And I'm sure I'd rather write for NPL than Heat any day...

      Anonymous said...

      No worries Nicole. I'm honoured to see our lowly title on a journalism blog!