This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - January 7

      Welcome to the special Sunday edition... because I missed Friday. And it seems like I missed a big massive pile of jobs. (Though thanks to the time difference, it's nearly Monday morning in London, so this is probably going to put a dent in that edition. Oh well.)

      On, a website needs a content editor for an immediate start.

      Hold the Front Page has an advert for trainee photographer and two trainee reporters. has advertised on the Careers Group for a journalism intern. And a magazine publisher is offering office admin work experience.

      On, Recruit Media is looking for market reporters for an international newswire and a news editor for a weekly B2B. Centaur's NMA needs an editorial assistant for maternity cover. A diary service is looking for events researchers (£17k).

      If you're a student or recent graduate and want to intern as a trainee reporter in the south of France, well, lucky you. Decision News Media is looking to fill five such positions.

      Still on, Citywire is looking for three new reporters and an investment website needs a reporter.

      TotalJobs has an advert from a business website looking for an online editor (£25k).

      On Gumtree, Lyceum have again advertised for a poker journalist.

      Recruiter Media Types has advertised on for a staff writer (£23-25k) for a monthly B2B newspaper and an online subeditor (£21k).

      The BBC needs an Arabic-speaking broadcast assistant.

      Craiglist has an advert from a Fulham FC fansite, looking for a blogger. Yet another "ground-breaking" online magazine wants writers -- unpaid, as usual. And a music video site needs a reviewer and a journalist (unpaid).

      And the Guardian now has a RSS feed for their jobs search (they call it a "web feed" and it shows up on the page after you've entered your search details).

      On that job site, Hodder Publishing is looking for a desk editor for educational textbooks -- is there any other kind? Centaur's Money Marketing is looking for an investment journalist.

      The London Society of Theatre (or Society of London Theatre) is looking for a publications assistant (£18k). The Institute of Marine Engineers needs a writer.

      The Times Higher Education supplement needs freelance designers, picture editors and picture researchers.

      Hot Courses is looking for a editor (25k) as is the Folio Society. Something with the rather vague name "Communications International Group" -- apparently they do health and beauty stuff -- is looking for a production/publishing assistant and an editorial assistant. Environmental Finance Publications is also looking for an editorial assistant, as is the College of Occupational Therapists. And, bloodly hell, Thomson Learning also needs two editorial assistants.

      Egmont is looking for an editorial assistant for their Disney magazines, an editor for their Barbie publication and a subeditor to work on their Thomas the Tank Engine titles. Sounds delightfully childish.

      CAFOD, official development and relief agency of the Catholic Church, needs a writer/subeditor, as does the Refugee Council.

      Hayward Medical are looking for a subeditor. Some health care journal is looking for a subeditor and an editorial assistant.

      Tradewinds needs an energy journalist. A publishing house needs a staff writer for two aviation titles (£20k).

      The soon-to-launch Monocle is looking for a managing editor, web designer, chief subeditor and editorial assistant.

      Recruiter PFJ has advertised (still on the Guardian site) for a reporter with 18 months of experience (£23k). KP Publishing is looking for a production editor.

      The Guardian itself needs a web designer.

      There were probably some new jobs up at Gorkana on Friday, but after all of the above, I'm feeling too lazy. Go check it out yourself.

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