This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - January 2

      Welcome to 2007...

      If you're looking to get a start in journalism, this is a good-sounding one. Publishing company Informa has advertised a graduate recruitment program on the Careers Group (and also on Gumtree). Called "Media Academy", it offers 12-months of training in conference research, editorial, marketing and data/analysis.

      Also on the Careers Group, a private equity book publishing company is looking for a comissioning editor (£18-25k) and Anthem Press need assistant development editors. Something called the Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies needs a graduate for some freelance research work.

      On, a contractor website is looking for a freelance journalist. The BBC needs a senior content producer and Red Bee has an opening for a chief subeditor for their tv listings.

      The Mail online is looking for a deputy editor.

      PFJ has advertised a stack on the Guardian's jobsite. The recruiter is looking for an editor for a finance publication (£26-30k), an investment writer (£31-40k), a market reporter (£26k-30k), a technology subeditor (£22-25k) and a publications editor with a life sciences degree for a medical publication (£22-25k).

      The BBC has also advertised on the Guardian site for an assistant content producer and the aforementioned Red Bee is looking for planning assistants (£19k).

      On Hold the Front Page, the Croydon Guardian is looking for a trainee reporter.

      Incisive needs a senior reporter for FX Week. That publisher has a few openings for business reporters and subeditors.

      Haymarket needs a senior editor and an art editor for its automotive section, and a subeditor for Independent Nurse.

      Future's Playstation World needs a deputy editor.

      And IPC's Nuts has an opening for a subeditor with two years of experience and a picture researcher.

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