This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - October 27

      Really good entry-level job on the Guardian today. A B2B publisher is looking for an entry-level editor -- and not just subbing, either (17.5k).

      On JobSite, a contract publisher needs a subeditor with layout skills (22-26k).

      On Gumtree, something called Marmoset Media are looking for freelance journalists of all experience levels to add to their roster.

      Insurance Times have advertised on for a news editor (28-30k). There're a few good regional jobs posted there, too. have an ad for a features editor with three years' experience (30k+) for a healthcare B2B.

      Emap's shiny and successful Grazia needs a news reporter. Wait -- Grazia runs news? Emap's Ground Engineering, the foremost monthly magazine of the international geotechnical industry, also needs a reporter. For more regional jobs and previously-posted jobs, check out Emap's job site.

      Haymarket have reposted their online reporters/editorial staff job, which is depressing as I applied there, and of course, haven't heard from them. Damn it.

      Dennis' Maxim needs a picture researcher -- could be uh, fun for you guys. And This Week is looking for an editorial assistant -- this would be a very, very cool job. Better than looking at pictures of Maxim girls, anyway.

      BBC have updated their jobs page. I'll update my links, eventually.

      It's Friday, so GorkanaPr have updated their jobs list. You must register (it's free) to view their jobs, including a chief subeditor for Music Week, freelance production editors for LS magazine, a reporter for Marketing Week, a business night editor for the Independent, and freelance writers/reviewers for an internet startup.

      And Press Gazette have jobs for a financial journalist, a subeditor and a newspaper reporter with six months' experience.

      Remember that whole Press Cadets contest? Regular reader Patrick won! Which is pretty damn cool, as he now has a job at Press Gazette, assuming they manage to convince the industry to keep them in business (which they hopefully do). Nice work Patrick. Good luck on the job!

      1 comment:

      Anonymous said...

      Can we have a link for the editorial assistant vacancy at "This Week?" Thanks!