This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - December 8

      On, recruiters PFJ are looking for a reporter (18-21k) with six month's experience for a daily newspaper for a B2B firm. They're also looking for a content editor (17-18k) for a defence publisher in Surrey.

      The BBC needs a part-time content producer for the writersroom website.

      Guardian Unlimited need a community moderator. Pan European Recruitment have advertised on the Guardian for a private equity reporter.

      GorkanaPR have posted their big list of jobs today. They've got an advert from Bella for a celeb writer, from the Morning Advertiser in Crawley for a reporter and from the Africa Conservation Fund who need an Assistant Editor. has that same Morning Advertising reporter job and one for a features writer, too. The Grocer -- also out in Crawley -- needs a features editor. And the Mail needs freelance website journalists.

      On HoldtheFrontPage, a news agency is looking for a trainee reporter with NCTJ qualifications and shorthand.

      Gumtree has an advert from a B2B publisher looking for a trainee financial reporter (15-16.5k). And a new sports/music/theatre blogging site is looking for writers.

      On the Careers Group, some literary agents want an intern.

      All you students are going to be pretty bored over the next few weeks, so you may as well try and get some work experience in. Check out the work experience page, or these new shiny one's I've tracked down:

      - Travel/tourism website LondonNet.
      - Charity OpenDemocracy (starts in January).
      - Events website What's On When need interns and freelancers.

      And check out the BBC's work experience page here. You might also want to try to get some shifts over the holidays, working cover on those days no one else wants to work, at places like the Mail, listed above.

      . . .

      Switched over to the new Blogger Beta thing, so apologies for the random posts in the RSS feed. No idea why that happened, but it did.

      Today is my last day of the slack-ass job that allowed me so much time to run this site. I've got lots of time off coming up, but we'll see how things go in mid-January when I start the new job. I might need to work on my time management skills...


      Anonymous said...

      You're doing a great service to budding journalists. I check the site religiously despite covering all the opportunities myself.

      With any luck someone will take a chance on me sson.

      Keep it going.

      Anonymous said...

      Couldn't agree more, thanks for taking the time.