This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - December 1

      Welcome to December...

      Recruiter PFJ has advertised on Total Jobs for a reporter (£26-30k) with a couple of years' experience for some new B2B publication.

      On the Guardian, needs an online subeditor (£21k) -- though, it sounds like you also get to do some writing and comissioning, so more of an all-round role than strictly subbing.

      Recruiter Media Contacts is looking for a senior reporter (£25-28k) and Media Types is looking for a financial journalist (£26-30k).

      On JobSite, a business travel sector website needs an online editor (25-30k) and someone else needs a proofreader.

      Sign in/registar at Gorkana to see their new listings from Warners travel/leisure publishers (subeditor and other staff), FT Mandate (staff writer), Notion music (freelancers and interns), Grand Designs (subeditor), Intermezzo (wine reviewers) and Melcrum (online writer). I interviewed for that last one; guess I didn't get it...? Oh well, I've got another one lined up (I think).

      On, Platt's needs a commodity journalist.

      . . .

      Press Gazette may be ressurected -- already? Wow, that was fast. Awesome quote from the administrator, Robert Allen: "I can't say much more because these things are sensitive but today is a new day. And I'm looking forward to it." So optimistic, without saying anything. Ex-PGer Martin is pretty quiet about it on his blog...

      Kelly went to the Media Careers Day thing, and wasn't impressed, saying it "was pretty much a waste of time. I mean, if you know about the Guardian jobs website and the BBC jobs website, that's about all that was there that was useful for anyone who wasn't a 16-year-old." Anyone dis/agree?

      1 comment:

      Anonymous said...

      I'm a post-grad looking for a job in London. I went to the fair, too, and was extremely disappointed. I agree with Kelly; it was just for youngsters and there were plenty of them there.