This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - August 9

      On, the publishers of ICON magazine are looking for an assistant editor for a new magazine launch. And Red Bee Media need listings writers/subeditors (£19.5k). Standard and Poor's MarketScope needs stock market journalists (reporters and interns), preferably with languages.

      The Careers Group has a job from Visiongain, who are looking for an online media assistant (£16k). And CNBC Arabia need a production assistant.

      Lots on, but they're all regional. Check that out if you're will to move to wilds of the countryside...

      On Gumtree, some guy named Tim Copper needs a temporary assistant to a freelance journalist -- presumably him -- for two weeks (£6/hr.)

      Jobsite has one for a Danish subeditor (£19k).

      Monster has one via Adecco for a junior editor in Chiswick -- sounds more like communications work than journalism tho (£16k).

      And Dennis Publishing have advertised on TotalJobs for an entry-level production assistant (£16k).

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