This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - August 11

      Good ones on New Scientist needs an environmental news reporter with one to five years' experience. Local Government Chronical has a job for a news editor. And recruiter Reilly is looking for a junior news reporter for a business intelligence publisher (22-30K).

      IR magazine needs a "bright, talented young journalist" for news and features (£20-22k). And a facilities management magazine is looking for a news editor.

      On the Guardian, a children's website needs a production assistant -- includes writing work (£20-22k). Sage book publishers are looking for an assistant production editor.

      Business Monitor, via Careers Group, have a job opening for a subeditor for maternity cover.

      Monster has a job listing for an editorial assistant for a travel website (18-20k).

      On Gumtree, a new "innovative" -- so says them -- website/online magazine needs writers willing to work for free. And BlueSky Group have a cool, diverse-sounding job for a journalist doing subbing, writing, and layout. And some random site needs an entertainment editor -- not much detail on who they are, so be wary.

      Emap has openings for a sub (maternity cover) on Retail Week, a reporter (mat cover) on New Civil Engineer, and web editor (not mat cover) for Screen International.

      And Thompson Financial are hiring a whole bunch of people -- see Press Gazette for the list. Also there, Matrix needs celebrity photographers -- if you can call that journalism.

      Sorry for missing yesterday... still (soon to be) homeless... Have a good weekend!


      Rachella said...


      Great blog! I'm surprised, though, that you post "jobs" from employers who expect people to work for free.

      Nicole said...

      Well, some people want to do work experience, and others need to pad their CVs with unpaid freelance.

      Nothing wrong with that -- hell, I do this blog for free (discounting the $5.62 in adsense revenue I've made so far -- woot!)

      I personally think any writing (ect) which is used should be paid for and when I'm a magazine mogul, I'll make sure I do that.

      I do try to make sure I note when positions are unpaid, but let me know if I miss one.