This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - July 26

      On the Guardian job site, book publishers Random House have an opening for a junior designer. The Hansard Society are looking for a researcher for a new media in parliament project (£19-23k).

      Press Gazette have a few new job listings at B2Bs. The first is a subeditor for a finance publication ( up to £28K). Then there's a senior reporter job opening for someone with two years' of experience (24-28k). And last, there's an post for a news editor (£23-28k) for a weekly and a website. has several job openings from book publishers Crimson. Based in Richmond, they are looking for an online reporter (18k), editorial assistants and an intern.

      Careers Group has an internship for a television/media firm.

      Holdthefrontpage have a lot of great postings, just not in London. One worth a look is South West News Service, who need trainee features writers in Bristol. Sounds like an awesome first job, if you can bear to leave London. Despite its geography, I'm gonna name it job of the day.

      Recruiters Reilly -- who can't spell -- have a job for an assistant editor in Surrey at a B2B magazine (23k).

      On JobSite, recruiters PFJ are looking for a layout subeditor for a B2B (£26-28k).

      On TotalJobs, Press Watch need media summary writers and analysts.

      At Haymarket, PrintWeek need a senior reporter.

      And BBC need a part time broadcast and online assistant and a senior sub editor and a researcher.

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