This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

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  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - July 25

      Press Gazette has a job opening at IPC's Nuts for an associate editor. Bit of a senior position tho. And, it's at Nuts. They also need a deputy news editor.

      They also have an ad from Fresh Directions Students Magazine, who need a subeditor for the next three to four weeks (£120/day), which can be today's job of the day, as nothing else is shiny enough.

      JobSite has an advert for a layout subeditor at Insurance Day.

      On the Guardian, Jane's Information Group need a subeditor and an Asia editor. And on, there's a Jane's posting for a reporter, based in Surrey, and a content editor. And if you go straight to the source, Jane's also need an editorial assistant. If you've ever wanted to work for a security/policing/ect publication, this seems a good time.

      Future has advertised for that news writing job for Tech Daily -- requires a year of experience.

      On the Careers Group, something called London Remade are looking for a part-time communications assistant/intern (expenses only).

      Holdthefrontpage has a subediting job for an East London paper, from Newsquest.

      Repeats on Gumtree today, as EMMA online magazine are again looking for writers/researchers/web folks (expenses only) and Soccer International has reposted the freelance job for football writers.

      Craigs List has a posting for a freelance job editing/translating for anyone who can speak Hausa, Twi, Ga or any West African language. And something called Glove Box Guides -- sounds like food/travel reviews -- is looking for an editor and writers.

      And Haymarket needs a subeditor for Planning magazine.

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