This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - July 20

      Big wordy, job-filled post today...

      On the Guardian, Nature is looking for a news editor for a new climate change launch. If you're into that sort of thing and want a different position than that one, send in a CV on-spec or keep an eye on their website, as they're gonna need more staff...

      Speaking of Nature, their publisher MacMillan has a few sciency postings up, including an assistant editor for children's books and an editor for a London/science publication. If you want to write about science, MacMillian are always hiring.

      Back to the Guardian, a recruiter is looking for a digital media assistant and B2B Ark need a sub and an editor.

      Estates Gazettes are looking for reporters and subs. This has been advertised before on the Guardian, but the details are all on one shiny (and yellow) page here. have a job posting for Bath, but it's good so it's going here anyway: NGamer magazine need a staff writer. "No formal qualifications necessary. Writing talent and knowledge of Nintendo are the main requirements." If you're into Nintendo, this may be your dream job.

      Totaljobs have job postings for an online content editor (two years' experience), a health reporter (first jobber with relevant experience/good freelancing for £20K), and an entry-level assistant directory editor for Haymarket (£14k).

      Jobsite has a listing for an online subeditor (£20k - £22k ).

      Haymarket just posted a whackload (read: lots) of new job openings. They need a sub for a mag called Planning and a news editor for SC magazine. They've reposted the adverts for a news editor for Packaging News and for a reporter with a year's experience for Media Week. And, as always, Stuff want free labour (read: have work experience openings).

      And the amusingly thankless job of the day comes via the MoD, who are looking for a chief speechwriter. Their slogan: "A Force for Good in the World."

      Real job of the day comes courtesy KP Publishing (via the Guardian), who are looking for temporary/short term magazine and book production staff. You'll need Quark/Indesign skills. Good way to get a bit of experience for those of you looking to get into layout/production.

      Site News: Will try to get around to adding TotalJobs as they have quite a few good ones. They also provide an RSS feed of your terms, so quite handy.

      Seem to be getting quite a few clicks on the internships and graduate programs. If you know of any I should add, please share! Just leave a comment or email jjobslondon @

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