Journalism Jobs - July 31
On the Guardian job site, River Publishing has looking for several different openings, including a sub editor at Weight Watchers magazine and a picture researcher at the Sunday Times Travel Magazine.
A few charities hiring today. RNID need a writer and editor (£24-26k). The Royal College of Surgeons of England are looking for an assistant publications and communications officer to work on two quarterly journals, a newsletter and a website (£20- £22k). The LSE needs two indexer/editorial assistants (£19k). And the British Association for Adopting and Fostering need an assistant editor for their website (22k).
Comic Relief need media relations officers (£28k) and media relations assistants (£18k). The Covent Garden Bureau are hiring an online publishing assistant.
IPC need a subeditor with a year's experience for Amateur Photographer magazine. Legalease have a job opening for an editorial assistant, and Institutional Investor have one for a financial reporter -- they'll train you in all the markets and finance stuff.
Press Watch are still looking for media summary writers and analysts (£16-18k).
And that's it for the Guardian today...
CWjobs need a proofreader/games tester with a European language (uh, other than English).
On the Careers Group, Africa Investor website has posted a listing looking for an intern (£800/month).
Holdthefrontpage has a trainee reporter job listing from the Surrey Herald and News.
JobSite has a posting for a production assistant.
On Gumtree, a new lifestyle launch (yeah, yet another) needs an assistant to the Fashion Editor (unpaid to start). And Craigs List has a listing advertising for film writers (unpaid) for a website.