This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - September 7

      On the Guardian job site today, a recruiter is looking for bilingual proofreaders with skills in Greek, Polish, Norwegian and Italian (£15/hour) for a month's work.

      It must be languages day, as the Careers Group has a posting for a Pashtu/English speakers to help translate a Channel 4 documentary (£100/day). There's also postings for research assistants interested in China and the Middle East.

      On, there's a super cool job for an editor/journalist to work from home for a charity publisher (£21-23k).

      Building Magazine needs a subeditor. And a B2B needs a senior reporter (£24-28K).

      A few up on that site for Dubai and the rest of the world, if you're looking to travel.

      On Gumtree, a legal publisher needs an assistant with media experience.

      Some good posts on Craigslist today... A site needs travel writers, and they pay! A publisher is seeking stories from gay men -- and they also pay! And another site needs film reviewers -- but they'll only pay once they get cash. Typical.

      And another set of websites is looking for writers with expertise in lifestyle, technology, finance and parenting -- they pay as well.

      Seen any good job openings advertised? Had a good/bad internship experience? Let us know by commenting or emailing jjobslondon @

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