This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - September 25

      On the Guardian job site today, an automotive B2B is looking for an assistant editor (£23k).

      Argus, a global energy reporting agency, is looking for a graduate journalist.

      And this is good: The Associated Press needs an editorial assistant.

      If you have a biomedical degree, Nature is hiring editorial staff. The British Journal of General Practice is looking for a senior assistant editor (£25k).

      Premier Christian Radio urgently needs two broadcast journalists and an assistant producer.

      A recruiter is looking for an online news editor with daily experience for a major website (up to £30k).

      A media company has an opening for an editorial content assistant and a senior subeditor.

      The Royal Geographical Society needs a managing editor (£24-26k) and a financial newsletter publisher is looking for a layout subeditor.

      Waitrose Food Illustrated need a subeditor, while Thomson Learning are looking for a production editor with two years' experience.

      If you have three years' experience and can speak Arabic, Russia Today TV would like to hire you as a correspondent.

      A legal publisher is looking for writers/researchers.

      And the Guardian itself is looking for a writer for their education section.

      On TNT, a tv company is looking for a research assistant (£9/hour).

      Centaur Media has an opening for a reporter on a B2B.

      On Craigslist, yet another online magazine needs unpaid writers. And a beauty website needs a blogger ($US500/month). has a listing for a comissioning editor for someone with two years' experience (£25k).

      The Careers Group has a job from for an interactive content assistant. And an academic publisher is offering a one-day-a-week internship.

      And here's a find: A site called Gorkana does weekly financial/consumer job updates (among other emailings). Some of the jobs listed are repeats of this site, some are non-London and some are definitely not entry-level, but its worth a look.

      Rachella posted an email contact for a women writers mailing list. Send an email to for more details/to sign up. Anyone else know of any other mailing lists with job opportunities?

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