This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Journalism Jobs - September 29

      On the Guardian's website, Burlington art magazine is looking for an editorial assistant.

      Gumtree has a job for an "aspiring journalist" to write previews/reviews for events (unpaid).

      The Careers Group has a posting from Anthem Press for an editorial assistant. has an advert for a news editor for a science website.

      On Jobsite, a media company is looking for an editor (£22k).

      Emap's Retail Week has a job opening for a junior reporter. Celeb magazine More is looking for a showbiz reporter and an editor.

      IPC's Pick Me Up magazine has a job for an editorial assistant. And Amateur Photographer is looking for a writer.

      Dennis Publishing has openings for an online editor for a motoring magazine and a technical writer at a computer magazine.

      And TimeOut are looking for a listings researcher.

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