This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

      Tip: Hold down the shift key when clicking to make links open in a new window.

      Job Roundup - May 23

      On the Guardian site, the British Museum needs an e-learning editor for one day a week, so good for you freelancers. The museum is also looking for a New Media Creative Author, which sounds like a web copy writer based on the description. They are looking for "creativity" rather than techie knowledge.

      Still with the Guardian, something called Inframation is looking for senior reporters and researchers. has a post for a trainee/intern equity reporter.

      Also on that site, Future publishing is heavily advertising for their new launch, with posts for a subeditor and staff writers (based in Bath.) If you want to write/work for an entertainment magazine/site, and don't mind living in Bath, it's worth looking into this one. In fact, if you're willing to move to Bath, Future publishing is partially based there, so go to their jobs site, as they have many postings for the city...

      Along with the usual stack-and-a-half of jobs from recruiter PFJ, Press Gazette has an interesting posting for a reporter with six months experience for a defense publication. Also a non-PFJ job for reporter at an environmental publication called ReNew, located in Cheltenham (where is that? Too lazy to Google).

      Jobsite has a posting from recruiter Media Types for a subeditor with design skills.

      Macmillian publishers are looking for an editorial assistant.

      Reed Business Information has a posting for an online environment reporter for New Scientist. You'll need a good background for this one...

      And, a new London alternative weekly paper has launched, called Penny, and they're looking for interns...

      And noticed a job in Metro on the way into work... The freesheet is looking for an editorial assistant. I can't find their jobs section on their website, so I'll post the full details, but pick up your own copy if you want to see it in their words. It is not a writing position; it is purely administrative. The role consists of: general office duties, reader enquiries, photocopying, post, library maintenance. Must have an excellent phone manner and be good with microsoft word, as well as ability to balance workload and maintain a high degree of accuracy (whatever that means). Job goes Sunday to Thursday. Email CV and a letter explaining why you are worth a first interview to by May 31.

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