Journalism Jobs - July 31
On Gumtree, Ministry of Sound are offering a work experience job to update their website.
GorkanaPR has a job from Computing, for a newly-qualified reporter, while New Scientist needs a careers editor, travel weekly needs a news editor, and the Sun's TV mag needs a subeditor. An editor is looking for freelance finance writers, Complinet need a temporary news journalist, and a trade B2B needs an assistant editor.
Over on, a B2B and education publisher is looking for an assistant editor (19-22k). Incisive need a features writer for the mortgage titles. Something called CGC needs a derivatives correspondent and an equities reporter. An Informa need a reporter to cover the news industry.
And thanks to an anonymous reader for sharing a very shiny job in comments yesterday: G2 is looking for a junior commissioning editor.
And don't forget that the next Schmooze and Booze has been announced -- it's August 20th and it's their 1st birthday bash!
Haymarket's PrintWeek is looking for an editorial assistant/junior reporter -- can't remember if I've posted this before or not, as HM don't date or order their jobs. So annoying. That publication also needs a subeditor, while MediaWeek are also looking for staff.