This site offers journalism job information for entry-level or early career jobs in London. Links to recruitment agencies, job postings and other related info are posted below.

  • Companies - magazines, newspapers and other specific firms
  • Recruitment Agencies - people who are paid to fill positions
  • Listings - think Guardian jobs, Monster, that sort of thing
    • Also see: Freelance Internships Graduate Schemes

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      Journalism Jobs - April 16

      Hope you had a good weekend. Mine was smashing -- which is an inside joke between me, my teeth and the pavement.

      Alright. If you feel like trekking to Slough/Windsor, a paper out there needs a trainee reporter, via HoldtheFrontPage. A celebrity photo agency needs a photographer, as well as freelancers.

      On TotalJobs, Icon Magazine is looking for a web editor.

      A few on BroadGroup needs a freelance editor to work from home on an IT portal. Pensions Week is looking for a subeditor. Jane's Information Group is looking for subeditors and a defense industry reporter. Emap's Local Government Chronicle needs a reporter.

      Something called International Language Communications is looking for price market reporters and market reporters -- must have at least a year of experience. The good folks at Kable -- think public sector IT -- are looking for a news editor. And Greythorn are recruiting a production editor.

      Gorkana put a pile of good jobs up online Friday. As noted, I can't link directly to them, but you no longer need to register and sign in. On that site, the is looking for online journalists, CFO Europe needs freelancers, Employee Benefits needs a features/supplements editor, Euroweek and Europroperty need reporters (including a graduate trainee), Matchbox and New! are looking for deputy editors, Period House needs an editor, Caterer and Hotelkeeper need a web editor, needs a content editor -- yeah this list must besuch fun to read. Oh, and Reed Business is looking for online editors -- go to their site here.

      Over on the Guardian job site for Media Monday, recruiters PFJ are looking for a commodities reporter.

      Hachette Filipacchi's Sugar needs a deputy art editor and a picture editor. Credit firm Standard and Poors is looking for editors. Book publishers Merrell need a publicity assistant and a project editor. And book publisher Quadrille Publishing -- lovely name, make sure you spell it right on your application -- needs an editorial assistant. Sage need an editorial assistant, too.

      Artists and Illustrators magazine is on the lookout for an editor for their small team.Emap's men's mag Zoo needs a subeditor, while their Construction News needs a reporter. NatMag's Runners World needs a deputy editor and a designer.

      A healthcare publisher called Communications International needs a publishing assistant, while some clincial journals need a subeditor.

      Thomson Financial is recruiting journalists and subeditors. Incisive is looking for financial journalists, while Business Wire needs an editorial assistant.

      The Forum for Global Health Protection is looking for a news writer, while a boutique hotel guide is looking for an online subeditor. Readers Digest needs a managing editor.

      A publishing company is offering a three-month contract to a junior journalist for subbing and features writing, while Datascope needs an editorial assistant for its new media department.

      The Motely Fool is looking for a personal finance writer and an investment writer.

      And the Guardian itself is looking for a designer.

      Over on Craigslist, a writer is looking for research interns and a new lifestyle website is looking for writers (paid).

      This one's shiny: Haymarket's Media Week is looking for an editorial assistant.

      On NMA, a health/financial site (yeah, I don't know) is looking for a senior writer.

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