On the Guardian, Informa need a production editor for their legal department. The Fairtrade Foundation needs a writer/editor. New Trade Publishing in Islington are looking for a news editor. EDA publications are looking for an editorial assistant.
On HoldtheFrontPage, a London newspaper group needs a sports head.
Journalism.co.uk has an advert from Laws Business Research, who are looking for a trainee reporter. B2B Blandonmore Media needs a senior editor. IPC's Cage and Aviary Birds needs a news editor -- it's the "world’s only weekly newspaper for bird keepers". Disability Now need an editorial assistant (19k).
On GorkanaPR, Harpers Bazaar is offering work experience, 24-Dash needs a subeditor and a housing reporter, Canadian gambling firm Bodog is looking for writers and bloggers, and Haymarket's Planning needs senior reporters. The FT's Investment Adviser needs freelancer news and features writers, property publishers 3foxinternational need a features writer and IPC's Motor Caravan needs an assistant editor. New Scientist needs a news editor, and Centaur's Air and Business Travel News is looking for a senior reporter.
Schmooze and Booze has announced their next event is Nov 26 -- email Helen to get on the list!
Haymarket are looking for tons of digital editors across a few publications -- have they just discovered the internets? Future's Total Film is looking for a production assistant. Jobs4Journalists has finally relauched -- looks spiffy, but there're a lot of PR and Sales jobs... guys, that's not journalism. Still, worth a look as there're a few good ones on there.
Archant's Docklands newspaper needs a subeditor.
Right. Now I'm doing some fundraising for an amazing charity called the Afghan School Project. Basically, we're looking to raise £1,600 to get some more computers into a women's business school in Kandahar -- you can imagine the challenges they face from the conservative culture and the violence... not an easy place to learn.
So if you're one of my legion of fans, who are always (ha, ha) emailing or commenting to say"but how can we thank you?!" -- well, here's how. Click on the widget below to send a donation -- doesn't matter how small -- to the project. If every reader of this site sends £5, we'll easily hit our goal... it's all done over PayPal, but you don't need to have an account with them, just a credit card or bank card.